DeAndre Sawyer
storyteller | creative development | Media producer
Hello, I'm deandre and i recently graduated from unc-chapel hill! i aspire to create and share meaningful stories across various media that resonate with audiences from all walks of life.
storytelling holds transformative power. narratives enable us to navigate our world and make sense of our experiences. they also make us aware of realities outside of our individual perceptions. personally, stories have guided my identity formation, given meĀ  a way to connect with others, and helped me find a purpose. for these reasons, i aspire to work in creative development and production within the media and entertainment industry, with hopes of becoming a producer or media executive. i intend to make my life one of purpose; uplifting others and investing in potential for better.
I'm from Camden, North Carolina and recently completed my master's degree in media & communication at unc-chapel hill. as an undergraduate, i studied media production, organizational communication, and global health & environment. while my primary interests are film, music, and animation, i also hope to get the opportunity to craft captivating narratives for video games and graphic novels. my passions are not limited to media, so as i continue my career, i hope to find different ways to contribute to those endeavors.
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